North America is a big continent, you are able to see most of the weather at the same time. Florida has a really special location when it comes to winter. I have been driving and flying between New York to Florida since 2015 to run away from winter for a while and I met my skater friends in New York. after 2017 I started to go to an event in Miami called Skater Migration. Hundreds of skaters gather and roll together with any kind of wheels they have mainly inline, quad skates. I have seen longboards, and bikes that came along with us.
Skater Migration is an event that usually goes four days around the second week of February. I think they are trying to connect the event with Valentine’s Day so we can have a good day with our lovely skates. as I saw for 3 years of skating, Thursday and Friday’s skates are happening afternoon and evening. Saturday and Sunday skates are happening in the early morning and Sundays some skaters would like to not skate because of their flights. In this case, the host of Skater Migration helps those who have early flights and either sends the route to skaters or helps them go back to Miami beach at the middle rest point.
2020 was a tough year for everyone. Covid-19 slowed down and stressed most of our lifestyle. All of the events and gatherings are canceled but we left all behind. Skater Migration had a plan for us for 2021. they wanted us to come together again. HERE WE ARE. February 11 to February 14 were beautiful dates for hundreds of skaters from states and even out of the country. I personally met a lot of new and old friends. It was an awesome event since I have been moved to Houston from New York almost a year ago because of the pandemic and had to make my decisions. Long story short. this was an awesome event with a hot weather beach and skating with friends for one week instead of four days with help of a very rare snowstorm in Texas that caused my flight to cancel.
There are some videos and pictures from my and my friends’ perspective. (if you would like to share any kind of content, you can contact us at or our social accounts at bottom of our website…
In this video, I asked people where they came from…
Thursday Night Skate (February 11, 2021
Saturday Night Skate
Thank you SoBe Rollers and friends for joining this event and making it unforgettable! 🙂
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